Set 1: Rattlesnake, Oddlife, Straws In The Wind, Anoxia, Planet B, Predator X, Magenta Mountain, Ice V, Digital Black > Han-Tyumi, The Confused Cyborg > Soy-Protein Munt Machine > Vomit Coffin > Murder of the Universe, Magma, The Dripping Tap
Show Notes: The show opened with a brief drum solo by Cavs prior to the rest of the band taking the stage. History owner (Drake) (“Champagne Papi”) was mentioned a number of times over the course of the show. Rattlesnake contained O.N.E. and Automation quotes and teases. Ambrose crowd surfed while singing the refrain in Straws in the Wind. Joey introduced Anoxia as “my Neil Young impersonation song.” Ice V was introduced as being “in memory of Queen E.” Prior to Digital Black, Joey said "hello" numerous times in a Han-Tyumi impression. Soy-Protein Munt Machine and Vomit Coffin contained Hypertension teases. The Dripping Tap contained an I’m in Your Mind Fuzz Suite tease. Staff Notes: The recordings of this show are incomplete (missing Digital Black). staff do have enough to confirm the > into Han-Tyumi and that Ice V came to a full stop. For the show opening drum solo, it was discussed whether this should be added to the setlist as “Fury” in order to match with the show opening drum solo from the Melbourne ‘21 bootlegger release. It was decided that the drum solos labeled “Fury” by the band consist of a distinct double bass drum part which is absent from this drum solo and that other drum solos have been given different names (i.e. “Parking” on Chunky Shrapnel), therefore it was decided to leave this drum solo as a show note since we do not have definitive information on what it should be called. If anyone has any further information about these items, or ideally, a complete or conclusive recording please contact staff at [email protected].
Poster By Carlo Vivary
Full notes & reviews