Songs > Fury > History

Written By: Cavanagh.

“Fury” is one of the most unique King Gizzard songs for a number of reasons. On one hand it is incredibly rare — we’re talking about a total of two (debatably three) known performances in the band’s history. It is not the most rare (there’s a handful of songs like “Sam Cherry’s Last Shot” that were only played once to our knowledge), but chances are you will never hear it. On the other hand, it’s weird even by Gizzard standards. This is not the first time a drum solo has been released by the band. Chunky Shrapnel features a track called “Parking” which is an “Open Water” solo from Brussels on 2019-10-08, but “Fury” is the only one to be listed as its own composition. Its title is also a potential reference to a song from Cavs’ self-titled solo album entitled “Fury Gong,” which makes it a rare occurrence of the band referencing material from outside of the main King Gizzard discography. Whatever the case may be, “Fury” is an oddity.

Noting when “Fury” debuted is up for debate but here’s what we at believe. A drum solo opened the show on 2021-02-23 at the Croxton Park Hotel in Naarm (Melbourne). We do not consider this “Fury,” however, as the solo is different, containing a conga/chimes section that is missing from the other solos. Another solo was then played the next night of 2021-02-24 with no congas/chimes and a new section of double bass drumming. This was done another time on 2021-02-26 at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl in Naarm (Melbourne), which was recorded and released as Live in Melbourne ‘21 on March 19th, 2021. To our understanding, these were the only performances of “Fury.” No matter how you interpret what constitutes “Fury” as a song, it was always a show opener before “K.G.L.W. (Intro),”, serving as an introduction to a night of microtonal experimentation.

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