Songs > I'm In Your Mind Fuzz > History

Written By: Mackenzie.

The final part of the Mind Fuzz suite is a variation of “I'm In Your Mind” that is shorter and cuts out the verses and solos. It’s the triumphant end to a ten-plus minute stretch that opens one of the band’s most essential albums — yet out of all of the songs included, the title track has gotten the short end of the stick, easily being the least played of the bunch. Not by too much (only thirty or some shows as of writing) but for a while the song essentially vanished off the face of the Earth.

“I’m In Your Mind Fuzz” debuted on 2014-02-09 at St Kilda Foreshore in Naarm (Melbourne) alongside other Mind Fuzz material under the working title “Bit.” The beginning of the suite, “I’m In Your Mind” was labeled as the same, which means that the two songs were originally conceived as the same thing, not as two versions of the same idea. It was recorded by Wayne Gordon at Daptone Records in Brooklyn and mixed by Michael Badger and Stu. The song would be included on I’m In Your Mind Fuzz, released on October 31st, 2014. It would also appear in a promotional video for the album uploaded on the 31st. The bassline of the suite would later reappear at the end of “The Lord of Lightning” on Murder of the Universe.

It was played frequently from 2014 to 2016 as part of the suite, and even made some notable appearances such as their Live In San Francisco ‘16 concert film. The song fell nearly completely off setlists from 2017 to 2018, with only a few occasional performances coming out of “Cellophane.”
The reason for this was that the suite was put to the side in those years while “Cellophane” became the end of a multi-song medley, heavily reliant on Murder of the Universe material. The Mind Fuzz suite would return in 2019, but even then the song was not always played. It was played four times in 2020 and 2021, and has re-taken its place in the suite in the tours ever since.

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