Songs > Music To Eat Bananas To > History

Starting with a simple but funky groove, “Music To Eat Bananas To” is a cheery instrumental with floaty, high-pitched lead synth work. Written by Stu, it first appeared during an unannounced live stream on September 2nd, 2020 where the band played a number of unused tracks and demos. Following the stream, Stu mentioned plans for a 24/7 YouTube radio station in the second Gizzymail. “Last week we tried a youtube live stream. Working on 24/7 King Gizz radio. Music to eat bananas to. Ya know? It’s hard though because youtube kept taking the stream down for copyright infringement LOL.” On October 1st, 2020, the song was officially released as the title track of Demos Vol. 2: Music To Eat Bananas To.

“Music To Eat Bananas To” has not been played live.

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