Festival Set opens with a solid, high energy Dripping Tap, a great version, but fairly standard. Iron lung slows things down and is a solid but fairly straight forward version. Energy returns with Evil Death Roll, dark and dirty, although it heads into a rather bright jam on The Dripping Tap theme, EDR jam settles back into its dark aura, with a mighty howl by Stu, the way life should be, grinning ear to ear. a pretty standard Ice V makes way for an uplifting and airy Magenta Mountain, which turns slightly ominous setting the stage for Amby's lead on The Grim Reaper "i want to smell your French sweat;" there you have it. Grim Reaper is peppered with Amby quotes, as he channels his inner Mike D? Intergalactic Planetary.
The second Mars For the Rich of the tour puts us squarly back in EDR territory, which I kinda wish never left. This is the hard pounding, nose to the grindstone Gizz that never fails to bring the heat, but this suscinct version pairs nicely with a powerful Planet B, which makes baby Jesus cry because its not nearly long enough, festival setlist, sigh.
The eighth live version of Supercell, makes me feel bad for Amby's little cymbol which is thrashed relentlessly as usual. At the end a minor drum solo from Cavs leaves room for a brief five minute version of Gila Monster to end the show. The entire set is just under 88 minutes, and proshot video of the entire show exists