Show Notes: Doom City was on the written setlist after Billabong Valley but was not played. Wah Wah contained a River intro and The River teases and quotes. Head On/Pill contained a flute solo from Stu, Rattlesnake teases and Alter Me and Am I In Heaven? teases and quotes. Stu’s flute solo from the ‘Head On/Pill’ jam is featured in the ‘Chunky Shrapnel’ album. Staff Notes: The setlist for this show is believed to be complete, but only partial recordings are available. Venusian 2, Hot Water, Wah Wah, Road Train, Boogieman Sam and Head On/Pill have been confirmed via audio/video recordings. The remaining songs were confirmed through contemporaneous discussions through various social media, but any additional setlist notations that require audio confirmation (guest appearances, segues, quotes or teases) may be incomplete. If anyone has any further information or, ideally, a complete or conclusive recording please contact staff at [email protected].