In this field of chicken, we don't need no chicken, but we might have needed misters, fans, and ice packs. Amazing show despite the sauna like conditions. Excellent synth table start with Extenction > Theia. Such a seemless transition from electronic to straight up guitar raging by the end, punctuated by the extremely close train blowing its whistle at the very end. Amby was eating a bag of rotisserie chicken (bachelor's handbag?) the whole time and incorporated it perfectly into Field of Vision (chicken) and Bitter Boogie (chicken, chicken, chicken...). Incredibly cool to get a Super Cell (fitting based on the huge T-storm up until doors opening) and Gila Monster as a late set explosion. Closer was an awesome Head On/Pill that drifted into Dripping Tap territory a time or two. Hell of a show, Brown's Island was very cool, need a Mothership stop next time they come to VA!