This was a hometown show, and I was fortunate enough to know the venue staff well enough that they offered me a backstage pass. Thank God for you Riley, the crowd at Waterstreet was absolutely packed in there like sardines, both on the ground level and the balcony. Sight-lines were non-existent, and if you're not familiar with Waterstreet, the sound quality there plummets anywhere behind the pit. I was the guy standing in the front corner in front of the speakers with a grin on my face a mile wide, with plenty of elbow room, and access to the bar whenever I needed a fresh beer.
Sweet baby Jesus was I pumped to hear the opening notes of The Dripping Tap, a tune that I had obsessed over since it's single release earlier in the year. The long-form composition and jamming that this tune showcases boded exceptionally well for the future of a phish convert, and 2022 would further cement KG's prowess as a quasi-jamband (minus all the wooks).
I like ITRN, but it's by no means my favorite subsection of their ever-growing genre hopping capabilities. Venusian 1 & 2, however, are two of my favorites from their metal catalog, so I was thrilled, knowing that they typically showcase the metal tunes at the beginning and end of their sets. While ITRN may be a bit too much thrash, Mind Fuzz is the perfect mix of their earlier aussie rock chaos and melody. The Mind Fuzz suite was just perfect, but it didn't just end as expected, we were instead treated to a seamless transition into our only MOTU of the evening, a flawless Balrog, which then went straight into the only Nonagon sighting of the night with 15 minute rendition (!!) of Evil Death Roll, which was packed with teases and really superb jamming skills from a band that up until 2022 hadn't really done much jamming at all (outside of Head On/Pill, Am I in Heaven? and FAFYL).
The rest of the show was a bit of a jukebox, which really encapsulated the Omnium Gatherum feeling in a nutshell. Presumptuous got a nice jam, with Amby taking the lead vocals for the first time that evening, after which Stu busted out his Flute for readings of Trapdoor and Grim Reaper. One memory that particularly stands out from this show is being in the basement (private bathrooms were particularly clutch!) during Trapdoor and hearing the floor above me creaking and bouncing under the weight of the fans. It was an awesome moment, everyone was moving.
Cookie got his moment next, with a surprising Down the Sink, a tune I was not at all expecting to hear, but as Gumboot was my intro to KG, it was a welcomed treat. Amby took center stage again for Straws in the Wind, which featured lots of crowd call and response (perhaps a bit too much in my opinion, but Shrimp Boy gonna shrimp!) including a call-out for low crowd energy. Our only dose of microtonal writing closed the show out with a monster Rattlesnake, filled to the brim with teases (Automation, Minimum Brain Size, O.N.E, Nuclear Fusion, Sleep Drifter, and Honey) and furious guitar shredding.
I've seen and performed a LOT of shows at waterstreet, but this one tops them all. The energy was just massive. You could feel that everyone in the room was on the same wave length, and that we were sharing the same thought: that this band is one of the greatest bands on earth right now.