Disclaimer:This is a typed reaction to either a live or pre-recorded show. I do not go back and edit, or reread anything. I'm doing this for fun. I also might be too drunk & stoned to even want to attempt editing. So, I'm never doing it. If you do it once, people will start to expect things from you. There will be misspelled words, bad grammar, incoherent babbling, incompletely sentences, and odd thoughts in there. If you have a problem with that, I will fight you. <3
My name is Brody. Just a odd duck from the midwest who loves rock music from top to bottom. This is a fun way I've recently found that helps me stay engaged almost competely to the show. I don't care if zero people read these. <3
Set/Setting: Saturday, Nov 9th. 2024. My 38th birthday. I will listening/watching on the kitchen stereo. More dance room. I worked this morning cause I have alrady started the process to save money for FoV. After work, 3.5 mile nature walk with my #1 Road Dog, Ludwig Von B. After that, home. Shower, smoke, and chill for a bit, them meet 2 of my best friends, and one of their sons out for tacos. Then, on way home for that, stop by the store for some beers ( 3 floyd's Zombie Dust) and a pizza for maybe drunk me later. I m going to drink all the beers tonight (I normally only have 2 to 3) since its my bday, and its my one night off for the week. Plus, this show looks like one for the books. Got the penjamin on deck. Been ripping it since I got off work. Cracking a beer. Lets Ride!!!
Shout out Chris Dempsey (https://youtu.be/hxebzoQTkvA?si=8aLv1WN2oHwX1ITa)
November 8, 2024 @ PH Live · Las Vegas, NV, USA
One Set: Evil Death Roll[1], Digital Black > Han-Tyumi, The Confused Cyborg > Soy-Protein Munt Machine > Vomit Coffin > Murder of the Universe, Flight b741, Sad Pilot > Rats In The Sky > Daily Blues -> Hot Water, Interior People > Shanghai > The Grim Reaper, Perihelion, Converge > Witchcraft, Dragon, K.G.L.W. (Outro), Rattlesnake
Setlist first glance: Ok, Well starting with the Han-Tyumi Suite is wild. I literally can't wait. Rest of setlist looks very awesome.
Show start:
Cookie first to hit the stage. Says hello vegas. Joey and Stu do some weird welcome together. Sound is borked starting out. Stu, Telling the crowd they are beautiful and stunning.
Evil Death Roll: Sound is kinda fucked at times. I think the sound is fixed? for now? Nope, still very fucked. This song is a wash. You get most of it. But, hey, I'm not complaining about a free webcast. I'm super grateful. I'm just calling it as it is. Getting some Iron Lung lyrics in the jam. I think the sound is finally stablized. Joey and Cavs inviting everyone in Vegas to the gun show. The bass is still a little washed out. song is getting the jam treatment. Stu going all Elvis Presley in the legs for a secound there.
Han-Tyumi Suite: No altered future, but the rest of Han-Tyumi. Very sick to start. Stu working his yamaha like a mad man. Han confessing his desires. This is some of the weirdest music I've ever heard, and its some of my favorite stuff the band has made. My head is filled with baked beans. sooooo, yah. Cookie eyeing down the camera. We about to become the big bang. Little bit of a jam. fuck yeah. Joey walking about like a fucking BA. Han is about to explode. He erupts. The drop and Joey and Stu going berserk on stage. They are crushing it. The universe i