Disclaimer:This is a typed reaction to either a live or pre-recorded show. I do not go back and edit, or reread anything. I'm doing this for fun. I also might be too drunk & stoned to even want to attempt editing. So, I'm never doing it. If you do it once, people will start to expect things from you. There will be misspelled words, bad grammar, incoherent babbling, incompletely sentences, and odd thoughts in there. If you have a problem with that, I will fight you. <3
My name is Brody. Just a odd duck from the midwest who loves rock music from top to bottom. This is a fun way I've recently found that helps me stay engaged almost competely to the show. I don't care if zero people read these. <3
Shoutout: Chris Dempsey (https://www.youtube.com/@Dempsee)
Set/Setiing: Monday, Nov 11th 2:34 pm. I will be watching/listening from the kitchen setup. Its just a stereo connected to a laptop. No chair. Standing desk. I worked this morning I have offically fallen behind on show to reveiw pace. Worked this morning. Took the baby boy for our nature walk. I decided no drinks tonight. Weedman gave me a free cartridge so I'm gonna be super liberal with that. I m starting th show off by Cooking my main dinner dish for the week. Sloppy MOTHER FUCKING Joes.
November 9, 2024 @ Arizona Financial Theatre · Phoenix, AZ, USA
One Set: Gaia[1] > Gila Monster, Motor Spirit, Flamethrower > Gaia, Mars For the Rich, This Thing, Crumbling Castle > The Fourth Colour, Nuclear Fusion, Intrasport -> Set -> Swan Song, Antarctica, Black Tooth > Iron Lung, Le Risque, Boogieman Sam
Frist Glance: Love a Petro opener, This Thing owns. Lets get it!
Show Start:
Cool shot of band before taking the stage. Missed some of the opening banter but I heard the best and only part I needed to hear. Joey yells lets fucking rip, I feel good about tonight!.
Gaia: Farmer Stu. Sound on point to start this one off. This would have been my birthday night. This venue has sky boxes. Probably because in the summer it gets to be 1000000 degrees there. I'm ripping the pen.
Little Drum solo from the Cavsman. >
Gila Monster: Right into Gila. This song is sick. I see Cook over der headbanging. We are smashing witches for dinner. One after another. Amby right out front for his part. Mystery Jack front and center. They sound dialed in tonight from the rip.
Motor Spirit: Bat out of hell opening to this song. Love to see it. Stream team really killing it. Lots of cool angles and switches. They seem like they came to preform tonight. Seem like its all business in a sense. In a good way. Joe letting the V fly. We get a nip slip out of Stu. Fuck yeah, whole band rockin out with their collective cocks out.
Flamethrower: Whole band started headbanging. Ripper of an opening sandwich, and we still get to go back into Gaia. Lucas laying down that FATTTTTT bass line. Non stop rock for your face to start off this show. Relentless.
Gaia: The sandwhich is complete. Gnarly. Really cool shots of the band tonight.
Joey says they "bout to lift offffttt!"
Mars For the Rich: Cause we going to Mars. I got my sweet potatoe in the air fryer. Gotta have that complex carb for the side. Maybe you don't. But I do. Fuck yeah, The entire band is going kinda wild tonight. Well for this show. Lucas laying it the fuck down. Big drum finish from Cavington.
This Thing: This song is a slapper. Starting out heavy. Sounds really cool. I love this song, I instantly started dancing. Crushing the Penjamin. LOL Ambrose in a Death Row Records shirt. I just noticed. Joey fucking letting it rip.
Crumbling Castle: a dozen people go wild for this song in the crowd. lol jp. I'm eating dinner right meow. I'm not pausing. I'm just gonna eat. <3 I inhaled my sloppy joes and potatoe. This has been cool. The synth was really cool at the end, then changed, and was still cool.
The Fourth Colour: OoooOOOOOooo WeeeeeEEEE! This one is a fun one. I got my stank face on for this one.
1:17:56 ---- This is the exact time I stopped this show. It is now days later. Its Thursday the 14th now. I got tried af and then took a few days off. but I'm back
set/setting: This will be a quick one. Worked. Walked. Showered. Its 12:38 pm. Back at Kitchen Stereo station. I got the penjamin I've been crushing since I got off work, and I got two 40 oz of Mickey's. I already cracked and drank a 25% of one while I pregamed the shower with the album 40 oz to Freedom by Sublime. Just for funsies. Now Right into this show, and hopefully finish the next show tonight also. Fucking Party time!
Joey asks if its still Sunday night? idk? They pull a dude from the crowd. Joey calls the security G's. Rob is not Fucked up Rob. FUR does a sweet opening for NF.
Nuclear Fusion: Idk if I'm excited to jump back into the show, if this 40 oz is getting all over me, or I just love Gizz I'm instantly dancing.
They roll the Sorcerer's Table out. Apparently the band calls the table Nathan. Love the band. Dumb name lolololol. Amby calls out that Lucas was on the guitar and will be on the guitar? Amby also calls for a gong solo. lol I forget the record. 7? he only goes 2. lol
Intrasport ->: Table sections have just been a treat. This is a good start to a table party. They next 2 songs are fucking monsters. Joey smashing this song. lol in his The Simpson's the movie shirt. I'm a big fan of vintage t-shirts with cool subject matter. I will stop at most garage sales just to check if they have cool old shirts.
Set ->: I love this song. I love what it is talking about. I think it goes super hard. All Wizards Working. I FUCKING LOVE THIS SONG. I was just in the middle of my kitchen singing/dancing covered in goose bumps. I then saw my #1 Road Dawg Lu looking all cute, so I went over to him and gave him some kisses. Ambrose, Fucking spittin. Joe picks the axe up. The novo. Lucas picks up his bass. Cookie and Stu still at "Nathan". I'm not sold on the name. This jam sections with the table and the strings is really gnarly. Cavs keeping everyone together. Big drop imcoming! Dance party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lu even tho was born 100% going wild during the jam part with his plush Lamb Chop he plays with. I love my baby boy. This jam going in for a 2nd build and drop. Crazy vocals being mixed in. Joey just laying down just an amazing riff to cut through the synth. That was cool.
Swan Song: "Nathan" section killing as always. This song is always a pumper. Joey & Lucas hang their axes up for the last song ibn the section. I think Ambrose really does add such a different level vocally. I'm not saying he is the best singer. He just has great flavor in his voice. OK FINE! I M IN LOVE. that was hard for me to say as a semi-straight male. Crowd getting mixy. Band getting mixy. Oh yeah, they are fucking smashing this song. Awesome synth magic is happening during this jam. The build was quick and the drop was fast. But its Rave time. Cavs giving us the double bass pedal treatment for a sec there. They start mixing in both Stu and Amby voice loops of some sort. That was so sick.
Table section was cool as always.
Antarctica: I literally got married on land in Antarctica 3 years ago. It was such an amazing experience. Unfortunately, right now we don't live together, and very realistically getting divorced. The lyrics of this song are wild. Because I would love to go back. But my marriage didn't really have a chance in hell. But hey, we tried. IT didn't work. I have no animosity. I m not going to talk shit about her. This song just has a crazy meaning to me. That is all. I love Craig Cook.
T Light's them up. Joe trys to Jacob Collier(sp) the crowd with throat singing. lol Joey owns at it. Joey says Amby looks like Darth Vader with out his mask because he has a handless harmonica in front of his face,
Black Tooth: I m not going to lie, I spent the entire song looking up this song. It was good. but IRON LUNG IS PLAYING SO I GTG!
Iron Lung: FUCK YES! Hoping for a big ol fat LUNG! Frist 40 oz, done. Ripping the pen time to leave. insta ripping into the ripping section lol. Oh its a fatty. People Vultures tease in there. Amby on the loose. It use to mean, me might climb on a truck, Now with the broken elbow, its just walk around the stage. Poor guy, Killing his part though like always. Stu shredding the Flying Samurai. That guitar just has a awesome look and sound to it. But, Stu says himself, he just knows how to really work it. and he isn't wrong. I would have to agree. That was a fatty lung. I liked it.
I was typing the whole next thing while the banter was happening. My b. it was good banter tho.
Le Risque: This my favorite song off B471. The idea of living risky has something I've done my whole life. So, This song is right up my ally. This song owns. Cavs quick laugh. I crack my 2nd forty. Cavs, Pauses for dramaic effect. breathes into the mic, Amby asks if anyone is home and if they can feel it. Then calls them sex machines. Then we ride. Amby Going the wildest he can. Stu's lyrics go sooooo hard. Stu's thanks the entire band. ANd tells everyone he loves them. Joey salutes the band. then they rock out.
Boogieman Sam: I'm babysitting my 40, cause I'm going right into the next show in order. Lets get it. Shout out Sam! We boogieing. Cool ender. some awesome xylophone keyboard action coming from Cookie I think. That dude is the silent spine of the group. Im talking out of my ass, but who is going to stop me? My boy Luwid isn't. He is my number 1 Ride or Die, Road Dog. I got him out of puppy jail. ?He got returned twice. I put a doggy door in, taught him how to use it. No more accidents, and that is why they returned him. Cause they both said he couldn't be potty trained. Fucking bush league. but thank the gods, because I have him now. WE got some FoV vocal jam. The band is snapping. just going off. Bringing it back to People Vultures!!! nasty. Then Iron Lung Vocals! This band is wild. Mixing Jam band shit with their style is the coolest shit ever. The call backs the jams the randomness. SO cool. Is this the new song Phantom Island?? I looked it up. it was some where in there in the notes.
Final thoughts, that show was cool. They all have been. I'm jumping right into the next show.