Disclaimer:This is a typed reaction to either a live or pre-recorded show. I do not go back and edit, or reread anything. I'm doing this for fun. I also might be too drunk & stoned to even want to attempt editing. So, I'm never doing it. If you do it once, people will start to expect things from you. There will be misspelled words, bad grammar, incoherent babbling, incompletely sentences, and odd thoughts in there. If you have a problem with that, I will fight you. <3
My name is Brody. Just a odd duck from the midwest who loves rock music from top to bottom. This is a fun way I've recently found that helps me stay engaged almost completely to the show. I don't care if zero people read these. <3
Shoutout Chris Dempsey on YouTube. (https://www.youtube.com/@Dempsee)
Set/Setting: Sunday, Nov 24th 2024. 04:20 am no BS. I will be at my desktop setup for this one. I had 1 energy drink, making a cup of coffee before I start. I work graveyard shift so I have wild wake up times. Very far behind at this point on the shows. It was bound to happen. Going to atleast finish all NA shows with a review. I've been talking and hanging out with a new lady, and she is a central Illinois 8.7, so yeah, I've been smoking and chillin with her. Worth it. I got coffee and Penjamin with me. I'm also doing laundry, and will Probably be folding laundry at some point in this show. Let's go.
November 13, 2024 @ JJ's Live · Fayetteville, AR, USA
One Set: Hot Water -> Gamma Knife > People-Vultures, Sad Pilot > Rats In The Sky > Daily Blues > The Bitter Boogie -> Muddy Water, Mirage City[1] > Work This Time, The Garden Goblin, The Grim Reaper -> Magenta Mountain, Predator X, Motor Spirit, Flamethrower
[1] with alternate slower outro
First Glance: Flute start into Nonagon, wild. First part decent, Everything past Work This Time looks wild and fun. Grim Reaper been going ham sandwich.
Show Start:
Stu on flute, Joe on the Novo. They get someone taken out because they are not doing well I think. Ambrose called it out. Good Guy Amby.
Hot Water ->: I'm a slute for the flute. I was randomly a Jethro Tull fan as a kid. This song is nice to open. Party bop for sure. Cookiedawg69 looking strong. Cavs looking better then I remembering him from the previous shows. Does Stu even have skibbies' on? I would't if I had what he has on doing what he is doing. :). Just swinging. Flute solo. Two word vocal solo. Stu skulls a beer. So, they end with the ending of Robot Stop. Dude does a gnarly front flip from stage into crowd. Some say, No GF glasses are safe in the pit this night.
Gamma Knife >: Anything Nonagon fucks live. Mystery Jack up front. Arkansas getting fucking CRUNK! This show looks very fun already. Some Patchwork Pit Warrior has crowd surfed to the stage twice in one song. Nice moves. I see you surfer of hands. You wild. I've been ripping the pen pretty hard for it to be 4:45 am. Stu on the Flying Samurai, Joe on the novo. Motorspirit tease.
People-Vultures: Stream suddenly fucked? Laggy. 2 frames per sec. Still frames now. Back? We back. and we are off. Cook waving his locks. I wish they had a camera from the sound stage every once in awhile mixed into their live feeds. Getting jammy. Some sound things are getting ironed out. but only slightly? I m no fucking expert. Opposite actually. Nonagon suite openings fucking own. Nothing more to be said, Lets wrap this review up. lol jk, I like typing to no one too much. Stu going full Elvis legs. Ain't nothing but a hound dog looking ass. The final drop was nasty. Lucas fucking PUMPING that bass.
Terrance lights them up. Joey says he has been sick. and is ready to give singing a crack. Let's go.
Sad Pilot >: This song is hitting me right in my core right now. I only got a few problems in my life. I just need to work this fuckers out and let them go. yafeelme? Very chill jam starting out. Stu just chillin. Cool shot of Joe, Stu, Lucas. I'll just keep on winging it. <3
Rats In The Sky >: I want to get a tattoo based off this song. It would make me happy. I just like the Idea of a rat flying with a balloon and propeller hat. Ambrose & Cookie killing their parts. B741 is like show tune music. Stu loves extending his intro. studio version its insta lyrics, live, always extended. I don't know why I always point that out. It's because I have something wrong with me. instead of wigs, The rats bought chicken wings. Me and the Lady had chicken wings yesterday.
Daily Blues >: I'm just gonna say it. All the bigots go get fucked. This song is a rocker. We flying baby. Whole band is in unison. The b741 songs are so cool live. I'm full on chair dancing with my eyes closed for like 45 secounds there. ripping the pen now. it's 5:17 am and after this show is over I'm going grocery shopping. I'm gonna be cooked lol.
The Bitter Boogie ->: went from blues to deeper blues. wtf does that even mean? lol. Cavs cutting through. Jam is pretty cool. it dropped off, build back into song. Amby on harmonica adding another layer. Ambrose and his unique voice laying it down. Whole band pushing forward now.
Muddy Water: We in that Muddy Water. Stu's voice is roached. By the looks of Cavs from the shows previous looked clamy. So, they must have had a sickness going through the band and roadies during this stretch of the shows. The song was good. I did almost everything besides talk about the song. <3
Joey says they are gonna play country songs. They have never been to Arkansas so they say thanks for coming out.
Sidenote: The rest of this show could be epic af. and it probably will be.
Mirage City[1] >: Stu working through his vocal part. Dude is a legend. Professional. Joey doing a good job on his part. Big rock finish, the rail rocking out. Whole song breaks down to Cavs drum rolling on a tom.
Work This Time: Cav's tom drum roll leads us into this beaut. I had to go into the future and watch the atlanta work this time. This is probably work towards that. Joe fucking smashes the solo in that version. Joe making me horny already. just started the lyrics. Perfect way to cool the room off, by not cooling the room off somehow. cause this song owns. Joey cracks his voice on purpose. Going into a jam. I'm snacking on some crackers. Toll House crackers. For the cultured. Joey laying it down. Taking the Novo for a ride. Holy shit. That was tight. I thought this was like practice for the ATL work this time. But that one was awesome too. I watched them now both this morning. That was tight. Joey owns so fucking hard.
COOKIEDAWGSIXTYNINE TIME! I'm feeding my dog crackers as I type. The mother fucka The #1 Road Dawg Luwig Von Barkthoven. Holy shit, Cook just said his dogs name is Homer. Lu's name was Homer when I rescued him from the shelter. But he was born deaf so he don't know he has something he is called lol. So, I changed it. Kinda cool I guess if you are a fan man like me.
Other note, They talk about Nathan the table being broken. I prefer to call it the Sorcerer's Table. But if they like Nathan then ok. It's not my table.
The Garden Goblin: Cook is tight. Any song about a real dog is sick in my opinion. Cavs keeping it all in time. That was sweet.
Nathan is primed and ready.
The Grim Reaper ->: Ambrose about to spit some fucking bars. Lucifer style. Stu on Flute. Off script. In cowboy hat. Flamethrower the Amby!!!! Oh yeah, front and center. Fucking love to see it. Ambrose having a cig while he spits fire. My dog just farted in my face from under my desk. It is horrible. Joe on the flying V now. The drop is nasty. Big and fat. Stu headbanding from torso up. Big finish right into synth.
Bird's eye of Nathan. I have assimilated into calling the table nathan. I have no idea if I just used that word right, or if its spelled right.
Magenta Mountain: Extended intro into the Mountian. Pretty sweet. Everyone at the table. Cav's keeping it analog. They are getting after it. You can tell they are enjoying the table very much. Stu picks on the SG. Joe vocal cues the start. Getting reeeeal spacey. Now just pure pyche goodness. Fuck yeah, this is cool.
Predator X: Metal TIME!!!! Joe on V, Stu on SG. Lets go! I have gotten distracted. Ending was sweet.
Motor Spirit: Mad Max time! Stu needs some tea with lemon and buckets of honey. Metal opener or Metal ender? which is better? my instinct is to say opener is better. but For the spice of life, its best to keep things rotating. Stu is summoning the Gods! Pumping his arms. Chanting. Joey takes off. Lucas hammering it down. Cavs locked in with Joey. Craig Cook going ape shit.
Stu says one more and then they cut the power on them. So, Uno Mas.
Flamethrower: Cool ender. Song rips. They are rocking it out. The ISS is spining out of control.
Final Thoughts: I kept calling this show the OKC show in my head. So if you see anything talking about OKC thats why. I'm dumb. Decent show.