Evil Death Roll in the opening slot is just as great as it sounds. EDR is one of the higher batting % jams endured by the band, this version no exception. A very pleasent surprise with Digital Black in the #2 hole. I thought this was the best of the 3 MOTU suites I'd seen this year (NYC2 and Amsterdam being the others).
Hot Water might be the MVP of 2023-2024 (at the very least there's an argument for it). So many great versions from Caverns to Red Rocks to Chicago to Carnation to Offenbach to Hamburg to NYC2 (opener).. all highlights of their respective shows. This Vegas version adds to that war chest, delivering on teases heard at the Forum as well as in this show's Sad Pilot. I am spineless.
Super fun segment with Shanghai -> Grim Reaper. Feels like both of these have been on the shelf a bit since heavy appearances last year. Any rust was nowhere to be found, Ambrose was ON.
Dragon, KGLW Outro, & Rattlesnake was a heavy & heady way to wrap the show. The former has emerged just behind Motor Spirit as a juggernaut of the Petro material. KGLW I find to be one of their most underrated jams, particularly those of the microtonal variant. Rattlesnake is as quintessential as it gets and this one was a suitable finisher to a great show. Very high vibes in that venue (apparently the former Aladdin Theatre ie The Grateful Dead 1983) as the band heads further into the desert.