Set 1 of this show has keyboard technical difficulties. Hot Water through People-Vultures isnt great. The Microtonal Segment (KGLW Intro through KGLW Outtro) is the best part of set 1, Venusian 2 through MFTR is solid. Set 2 is well played, but lacking in uniqueness until Dripping Tap.
Crumbling Castle gets the ball rolling, but the show hits liftoff during an unrelenting Venusian 2. The fifth live version of Predator X is heavy, but short and acts as an intro for Mars For the Rich. The crowd is amped and the band is into it. The blow up alligator stands no chance as Amby climbs up on the speaker stack and poses like a gargoyle taunting the crowd. Hot Water has an extended intro, and softens the vibe considerably, coming to an almost complete stop at one point, this might be due to a keyboard issue It never really recovers, and just peters out. Its noteworthy that Joey tries out the flute during the outtro, which is replaced by an extended spacey Shanghai intro. The monitor feed addresses a keybaord issue which likely results in the abbreviated Shangahi, as they quickly move into People-Vultures. Setlist should read People-Vultures > Mr. Beat > Persistence. Mr Beat has Joey playing something unusual (I think its Joey)
A spacey segue into Persistence likely has more to do with attempting to remedy the keyboard situation, but once Persistance finds its groove we are back in business. We are at the 55 minute mark and this set still hasnt found its spot. Enter Microtonal portion of the show. KGLW (intro) > Oddlife acts as a reset of sorts as the band recovers from equipment issus, and gives it another go. Oddlife is fairly standard, but gets Amby warmed up (Its an Oddlife, til you get it right) for Billabong Valley (which contains a Sleep Drifter tease). Billabong recalls the energy that opened the show, as Amby is front and center with banana in hand while Stu retreats to keys. Nuclear Fusion shifts Stu back to banana, and Gasbar is summoned for the intro vocal. Consider notating Nuclear Fusion > Pleura. Pleura is standard and well played, the crowd begins clapping and the band starts KGLW outtro to conclude the first set of tonights 2 set marathon show.
Time to suck some flourdie. The Mind Fuzz Suite sounds great, there is a Dripping Tap tease before Cellophane. Stu plays flute before I'm In Your Mindfuzz, I'm not sure if this is typical. Mind Fuzz Suite comes in at 13:00 in length, the entire thing is phenominal. Plastic Boogie is concise, standard. Amby works the crowd before Magenta Mountain, this version is well played, I didnt notice anything unusual. Planet B is well played but fairly standard as is Gaia. The River is dedicated to Ambrose's ass, it feels like an extended version. Blame it on the Weather and Work This Time both sound pretty standard. Dripping Tap is an atypical, unique version
Setlist should read: I'm In Your Mind > I'm Not in Your Mind* > Cellophane > I'm In Your Mind Fuzz,
*Dripping Tap tease
3rd ever Maraton Show according to Joey, although something about Venesuela